Ayodhya Dispute
Disclaimer: The following is my opinion, which I can change, just don’t kill me please.
While writing this, I am just sitting in front of the tv, waiting for the verdict of Supreme Court as it is being read.
Why is Ram Mandir Dispute so important?
A Ram Bhakt would say- ‘because it is, the land where Ram was born’. The member of masjid will, say because a mosque used to be built on the same land.
Yet I beg to differ on this…
I think, this dispute rose is due to religious extremism and political interference. These are the two topics I am going to talk about.
Religious Extremism
Being religious is great, one tends to follow a set of rules, that leads to better society. Yet all Religions have one downside(Many, but I’ll talk about one for now).
Most religions have a concept of Good vs Bad. One is either angel or devil if you are chirstian, devta or daitya if hindu, Musalman or kafirs if you are Islamic(I may be wrong). If one follows the laws in your religion he is good person and if he doesn’t he is seen as bad.
Yet in reality no one is truly wrong or right, everyone is right from his perspective.
A person who doesn’t understand this truth and tend to divide people as follower and enemy. This extreme mindset of a person due to his religious belief is called Religious Extremism which becomes communalism.
There are many unwise and gullible people who fall into the trap of good vs bad mindset and can be easily manipulated to target a person or a group. This is what happened in 2002 riots of Gujurat(and many others), thousands of people turned against each other, killing a thousand innocents and millions of collateral damage.
These people had so much hatred for each other that they burnt women and children alive, in the name Religion. These extremist were so busy, saving their religions, that they forgot that they were human before being Hindu/Muslim and the innocent whom they were killing were human too.
After this incident, there have been constant massacre between the two communities and constant tension in part of UP and Gujrat.
No matter how much we try to keep ourselves openminded, similar but mild extremism can be seen in me and many other people. It is great idea to remember that the other person is human and show kindness.
[This topic is very near to my heart and if you want another blog on that, tell me]
Political Interference
No matter, how gullible you’d be, it takes a huge deal of persuasion and brain-washing to make you kill someone. And who can be better manipulator other than political leaders.
There were many political leader convicted of the riot, while others weren’t proved guilty.
However this perspective has a very long story dating back to September 1990, when BJP leader LK Advani, started Ram Rath Yatra, which marked its starting from Somnath and was forcefully stopped and arrested as crossing borders of UP. And then someday(I am not telling when), Babri Masjid was demolished. This led to multiple, riots, majority in UP. It also led to collapse of VP singh’s government, making Mulayam Singh led government weak and electoral success for BJP in coming years.
(Now I hope, the reader is aware of history, or you can check the net)
From then there had been cold war type of situation between BJP with hindu vote bank and INC with muslim vote bank. Then 2002 riots also happened beginning from burning of train to burning of Gujrat.
While BJP wanted a Ram Mandir, INC fought as resistance every time, hence this matter is stuck from so long and occupied our attention, which was diverted from real problems.
I would like to point out an interesting fact I noticed, that BJP never won full majority loksabha election with Ram Mandir agenda. Modi made his government due to his agenda on development while congress was (and has been) stuck on vote bank politics.
As I am concluding this article, the verdict is out and in case you are an nerd, introvert, uninterested and ‘sab moh maya hai’ kind of person, let me give a approximate recap:
1. The Ram janambhumi is given for mandir.
2. Masjid has been given another piece of land, two times the size of the disputed land(since they gave up the place that they have been worshipping for a century).
Now I am grateful, that this dispute has been solved and we can focus on other more important problems like India’s Garbage Education System, and Household garbage that is difficult to get rid of.
We should also appreciate our progressiveness. We are above communalism and think of each other as human. No one can be held responsible for all this, only problem is our extreme thinking.